Example Allocation Models
The mix of investment types you hold is the most important factor that affect the level of risk and return you may get. But how do you decide what assets to invest in? Based on our own research, we found the most reliable method is to look at long term trends for different asset classes and then try understand how capital markets reward the different levels of risk taken and how these returns correlated. We then build diversified asset class portfolios based on the following principles:
- Diversify between defensive and growth investment assets
- Markets work and are efficient in the long term. Prices reflect available information
- Risk and return are related
- For the lower risk portfolios, aim to keep volatility of capital values as low as possible and take a simple broad exposure to equity markets
- Invest globally for greater diversification where appropriate
- Emerging markets have greater growth potential than mature markets over the longer term
- Small and value based companies also have greater growth potential than mature higher valued companies over the longer term
- Take risks that are worth taking
- Keep investment costs to a minimum
- Rebalance portfolios every 6 months